Saturday, February 15, 2020

Proverb- “Bad news travels fast” I Meaning I Example I Sentence Example

Proverb- “Bad news travels fast”


The meaning of the proverb ‘Bad news travels fast’ is just the same as it sounds. We all know that bad news travels at the speed of fire right from the place where it originates until the place where it can transmit. It’s like a wind carrying the message everywhere. The medium through which this happens in this new age era is not just limited to humans spreading the words unlike years back. There is a couple of other mediums too like T.V, Radio, Newspaper, etc. but the most happening among all this is the cutting age of Social Media. It’s one such platform where something has to pop in one place and within minutes it can reach up to hundreds and thousands of people. And this spread of posting, sharing and commenting is even faster when the news is a bad one compared to the ones which might be good. By this, it means the reaction rate to bad news is much more which in turn triggers a faster spread across the globe.


We all have come across situations where something majorly bad has happened to any part of the country or Globe and we get to hear about it just randomly (as if the wind is speaking to us) without even voluntarily reading a newspaper or watching the news. It is a kind of news where you will find that it’s every second person’s the topic of the day whether in family, friends, colleagues or even most frequently while traveling. Some of the examples include news like an Earthquake, Floods, Terrorist attack, Murder, etc.

News like 9/11, World Trade Centre attack, Serial Blast in a country, Earthquakes, etc. – these are some category of bad news that travels with a speed of light. It is such kind of bad news that an illiterate, a person not so interested in news, a residence of a village or a poor person who doesn’t even have any medium of getting news will also hear about it. This proves that bad news travels fast.

Sentence Example:

1.    Rohan- My grandmother does not watch T.V or read newspapers but she still knows about the Nepal Earthquake. I wonder how.
Sahil- Well you know it’s bad news and “Bad news travels fast”.

2.    Someone has rightly said that “Bad news travels fast”. Even my small niece knows about the murder of the Prime Minister.

3.    “Bad news travels fast”- I say so because I got to know the news of the terrorist attack in Kashmir while on a vacation where I was completely detached from all news mediums.

4.    Vikram knows about Sania’s car accident through a friend of a friend. You see “Bad news travels fast”.

5.    The news of that brutal murder case has broken the internet. It’s really true that “Bad news travels fast”.

50 Important English Proverbs

Proverb- “Bad news travels fast” I Meaning I Example I Sentence Example

Proverb- “Bad news travels fast” Meaning: The meaning of the proverb ‘ Bad news travels fast’ is just the same as it soun...