Saturday, February 15, 2020

Proverb- “Bad news travels fast” I Meaning I Example I Sentence Example

Proverb- “Bad news travels fast”


The meaning of the proverb ‘Bad news travels fast’ is just the same as it sounds. We all know that bad news travels at the speed of fire right from the place where it originates until the place where it can transmit. It’s like a wind carrying the message everywhere. The medium through which this happens in this new age era is not just limited to humans spreading the words unlike years back. There is a couple of other mediums too like T.V, Radio, Newspaper, etc. but the most happening among all this is the cutting age of Social Media. It’s one such platform where something has to pop in one place and within minutes it can reach up to hundreds and thousands of people. And this spread of posting, sharing and commenting is even faster when the news is a bad one compared to the ones which might be good. By this, it means the reaction rate to bad news is much more which in turn triggers a faster spread across the globe.


We all have come across situations where something majorly bad has happened to any part of the country or Globe and we get to hear about it just randomly (as if the wind is speaking to us) without even voluntarily reading a newspaper or watching the news. It is a kind of news where you will find that it’s every second person’s the topic of the day whether in family, friends, colleagues or even most frequently while traveling. Some of the examples include news like an Earthquake, Floods, Terrorist attack, Murder, etc.

News like 9/11, World Trade Centre attack, Serial Blast in a country, Earthquakes, etc. – these are some category of bad news that travels with a speed of light. It is such kind of bad news that an illiterate, a person not so interested in news, a residence of a village or a poor person who doesn’t even have any medium of getting news will also hear about it. This proves that bad news travels fast.

Sentence Example:

1.    Rohan- My grandmother does not watch T.V or read newspapers but she still knows about the Nepal Earthquake. I wonder how.
Sahil- Well you know it’s bad news and “Bad news travels fast”.

2.    Someone has rightly said that “Bad news travels fast”. Even my small niece knows about the murder of the Prime Minister.

3.    “Bad news travels fast”- I say so because I got to know the news of the terrorist attack in Kashmir while on a vacation where I was completely detached from all news mediums.

4.    Vikram knows about Sania’s car accident through a friend of a friend. You see “Bad news travels fast”.

5.    The news of that brutal murder case has broken the internet. It’s really true that “Bad news travels fast”.

50 Important English Proverbs

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Proverb- "Easy Come, Easy Go" I Meaning I Example I Sentence Example

Proverb- "Easy come, easy go"


It means what comes easy in life goes away that easily as well i.e whatever one has acquired in life without hard work, dedication & efforts will all go in vain or lost. This proverb is especially applicable in the case of “money”. It is said that if one acquires money without any effort and hardship or if the money is corrupt then it’s likely to be spent or lost.


We all have heard that people acquire various corrupt means of earning money. And this happens in almost every field whether in education, work, finance, government, corporate, politics, etc. You name it & it’s there! Such people take the bribe from others by saying-“you pay me this amount and I will get you into respective field easily whether its - school, university, any particular job field, corporate, government, politics and the list is on. But when so-called “good time “is up they have to pay for their deeds. Not only the money they earn via corrupt means are lost but they also have to spend their life behind bars.
Sometimes it even happens that people earn money through gambling. And it’s the same place they dig their grave and lose everything they ever had. So easy come, easy go!

Sentence Example:

1. Didn’t anyone tell you that taking a bribe is illegal? For sure one day you are going to lose
    whatever you earned so easily. You know there is a saying- “Easy come, easy go”.

2. The underworld should have known the proverb “Easy come, easy go”. All his property
   & money is now seized and taken control over after his arrest.

3. John earned a lot of money via corrupt means but now he has nothing left. “Easy come,
    easy go”.

4. My dad always said to me “never try to earn money through illegal ways because what
    comes easily, goes easily”.

5. You remember I told you “Easy come, easy go”. See you lost all your corrupt money
    and also your legal money. Do you now believe me?

6. There was a time when he owned all the latest car in the town. Now he is in the mental
    asylum due to the shock of losing out all his money which he earned through illegal
    means. You see - “Easy come, easy go”.

7. There is an old saying “Easy come, easy go”, you should have known before walking
     the path of gambling.

8. There is no shortcut to success. You will have to put in your efforts and time. And in case
     you get a shortcut always remember- “Easy come, easy go”.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Words pertaining to "MARRIAGE" I List of words in context of MARRIAGE

Let us look at some of the words pertaining to “MARRIAGE”. By this, it means that the list of words given here is used in the context of marriage in some of the other way. The best way to remember some of these words is by knowing the “root words”.

As we all know root words are building blocks to vocabulary. By knowing a few simple root words we can grab a bundle of vocabulary into our brain bucket. It’s so useful that we don’t even have to mug up the words.

For those of you who don’t know “root words” are the base words i.e those words that have its own meaning and cannot be broken further to form any other meaningful word. But meaningful words can be formed by the same root words by adding a prefix or suffix to it. If this confuses you take a look at the example.

For example: “crypt” is a base word which means “to hide”. Now can you break this root word “crypt” to form any other meaningful word?- The answer is “NO”. But we can form other words by adding a suffix to it. For example “cryptic” which means ‘mysterious’. Another one “cryptography” or “cryptology” which is the practice of secure communication (when information is shared by coding it)

Now coming back to our topic on words related to marriage. The root word for marriage is “gam”. So whenever you come across a word that has the root word “gam” in it, be sure that the word is in the context of marriage.

Few root words that you will come across in the list are:
mono- one or single ; bi – two or second ; poly- many ; gyn- woman ; andry- man ; mis- to hate

Now all you need is to combine the root words to find the meaning of the words given. Let’s look at it. The word “monogamist” has the root words ‘mono’ & ‘gam’. “mono” means ‘single’ & “gam” means ‘marriage’. So in total one who has done only one marriage (or One who has only one wife or husband at a time)

List of the words pertaining to marriage:

1. One who has only one wife or husband at a time- monogamist
2. One who marries a second wife or husband while the legal spouse is alive- bigamist
3. Man who has more than one wife at a time- polygynist
4. Woman who has more than one husband at a time- polyandrist
5. A hater of marriage- misogamist
6. One who vowed to a single or unmarried life- celibate
7. Legal dissolution of the marriage of husband and wife- divorce
8. Payment of money allowed to a wife on legal separation from her husband- alimony
9. A man whose wife is dead- widower
10. The property which a new wife brings to her husband- dowry
11. One engaged to be married- fiancée
12. A bride’s outfit- trousseau
13. Proclamation of intended marriage- banns (or banns of marriage)
14. To run away with a lover in order to get married secretly- elope 

Words pertaining to MARRIAGE

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Proverb- “The early bird catches the worm” I Meaning I Example I Sentence Example

Proverb- “The early bird catches the worm”

It means the person who catches the earliest opportunity will get what he wants. It teaches us that we should always be proactive and early in catching with all the options & opportunity that knocks at our door. Otherwise, it wouldn’t take a second for someone else to grab that same opportunity. And sometimes it might happen that we miss out on a life-changing opportunity and regret later.
As in India, there is a saying in Hindi “Kal kare so aaj kar, Aaj kre so ab” which means whatever you plan to do tomorrow or rather whatever you are trying to postpone till tomorrow, try doing it today, and whatever you plan to do today get started at it the very moment. This has a very positive outcome.


Assume you are preparing to go out for a party with your friends or any other activity and suddenly there is a notification on your phone which shows you the details of a vacancy in a big company for some similar post you had been looking from quite a long time. But at that moment you decide to go out with your friends thinking that you would apply for the post the next day. And as the faith would have it, the next day when you visit the website you see that the vacancy is closed. That is where the proverb comes into the picture “The early bird catches the worm”. If you had caught hold of the opportunity at that moment itself when you got it then you wouldn’t have regretted it later.

Sentence Example:
  1. I lost my chance to apply in this college as I kept delaying the application date. It’s truly said, “The early bird catches the worm”.
  2. I have referred your name to the sales vacancy in my organization. But remember only “The early bird catches the worm” so don’t forget to be on time for the interview.
  3. Didn’t anyone tell you that “The early bird catches the worm”? You should have been on time for the interview.
  4. As I didn’t get up early I reached late at the audition due to which they rejected my name. I should have known that only “The early bird catches the worm”.
  5. My grandfather once told me “The early bird catches the worm”. I did not realize its importance until I lost my most important opportunity to work for a big Investment firm. Because of my habit of always running late, I forgot my presentation at home and also reached late for the interview.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Proverb- “Charity begins at home” I Meaning I Example I Sentence Example

Proverb- “Charity begins at home”


A person’s first duty begins at home. By that, it means that his first duty is to serve and help his own family members before he thinks of helping someone else. It’s kind of synonymous to the warning you hear in an airplane i.e. “Please wear your own mask before helping others”. So in the case of charity, it’s like “try helping your family first and then someone else”.
Note*- This proverb does not say that charity is not good or not needed. Yes, we are leaving in a world where we do need to help others. In fact, life is all about helping and easing someone's pain and spreading happiness, but that mindset should always start from HOME.


If there is a person who does a lot of donation and charity but does not have time to pay attention to a family member who has been ill from a long time then that charity will not make any sense. Giving attention, time & importance to a family member at least when they are in most need of it is of utmost importance and priority. Otherwise, any good thing or social work done to anyone else will not yield any fruit.

Sentence example:

1. He spends the little money he earns on social work neglecting his ailing mother forgetting that
    “Charity begins at home”.

2. Lara should know that “Charity begins at home” before gifting a costly dog to her best friend
    when her younger brothers school fees were pending from months and he was on a verge of being
    kicked out of the school.

3. Father- For what do you need so much money?
   Son- Dad I need to throw a party for my friend’s birthday.
   Father- You know we are going through a tough time as a lot of money is going in your sister’s cancer treatment. Didn’t anybody tell you that “Charity begins at home”?

4. I should have known that “Charity begins at home” before giving all my saving to child education NGO. Now, I don’t have enough money to pay for my father’s hospital bills.

5. You know there is a saying that “Charity begins at home”, during the recession you should have helped your brother first and then your colleague.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Proverb- "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" I Meaning I Example I Sentence example

Proverb- "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"


It means it’s always better to depend on something one already has than to wait for something more one is skeptical of getting i.e. May or may not get. As it’s always better to catch hold of the opportunity in hands than to wait for an opportunity which we might “hope” of getting but can never assure it.
Just remember by the proverb itself. Common sense! If you have a bird in hand it’s always better to rely on that than to wait for the other two you are expecting to be in the bushes. Who knows if you let go of the bird in hand in order to catch the two in the bush which you are expecting are there might make you regret later.


Assume you looking for a good paying job something like 5 LPA, but you are getting an offer of jobs which pays only 3LPA. Now it’s a recession period and the job opportunities are not that often. In this case, the bird in hand is the job of 3 LPA and the bird in the bush is 5 LPA which you are not even sure whether it’s going to be offered to you ever. So the job in hand is worth having then to wait for something which is not there.

Sentence Example:

1.    I might have got a better offer if I had waited for some more times, but I decided to take the one I already had. After all, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
2.    Look friend there is saying that a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. So you better go for the role which is offered to you in order to not regret later.
3.    My father advised me to take up any suitable job that is offered on-campus as the off-campus jobs are very competitive & skeptical. So he said a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
4.    Sam - John, the pizza hut person says they only have cheese pizza left & no barbeque pizza. Do you want that?
John- No, but I want to eat a barbeque pizza. We can check some other pizza huts.
Sam- But, John it's closing time and we already have checked a few of them. I don’t think so there will be any store open at this hour. “A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush”, if we don’t take this one then we might have to spend the night starving.

50 Important Proverbs

Sunday, April 7, 2019

What are “PROVERBS”? Examples of Proverbs

What are “PROVERBS”?

1. A ‘Proverb’ is a short and wise saying with deep meaning.

    Example-“All that glitters is not gold”
In this example, you can see that it’s a sentence with only a few words almost like a phrase, but the meaning of this sentence is way deeper than the number of words it holds.
The proverb “All that glitters is not gold” is basically a kind of a warning that something or someone may not be as good or valuable as it appears to be on the surface. As a human being might not be as kind, good, honest or true as they appear on their face.
There you see. The proverb is only of one line but the meaning is deep.

2.  It represents truth or some sort of useful wisdom

    Consider the same example.
    Example- “All that glitters is not gold”
Now, as the example suggest. Isn’t it very true that all that glitters is not gold? Can you recall the substance used in arts & crafts? If not look at the picture above. Although it appears glittery & shimmery those are NOT GOLD. Am I right? So this wisdom is quite true & it’s very useful in our life as it makes us cautious.

3. It is generally based on common sense or practical experience

    Example- “Beggars can’t be choosers”
There are many proverbs which will prove this point to be true even if you haven’t experienced one yourself. For now, take the above example. Imagine that your financial condition is very bad and you are in a new city in search of a job where you don’t even have a roof above your head. You searched every corner but didn’t get any place to stay. And there comes a friend of yours who is ready to help you. He says he has an empty place & you can stay there. When you reach there you see that it’s a small and a dusty room with hardly any amenities but bearable enough for survival. In that situation would you demand of a lavish fully furnished flat with all amenities? Of course NOT, because in that situation you are not in a position to ‘choose’. You will have to take whatever comes.
Or to understand it in a simple way, do you think a beggar will refuse a loaf of bread when offered and demand a burger instead? NO, because the one who doesn’t have enough money to satisfy his need, must be satisfied with what he gets.

4. The same proverb often occurs among person in different countries

 Well, this is quite simple. Let me give you an example. In India, they say- “Bandar ke hath me nariyal” which means a right thing or a right opportunity in the wrong hands.
There is a saying in English “Cast pearls before swine” which also means the same i.e. a right thing or a right opportunity in the wrong hands.
Though these are basically a phrase but perfectly explain the above context i.e. the same proverb occurs among person of different countries.

•    The proverbs or sayings have been passed from generation to generation

This is one of the best contexts of Proverbs because proverbs are something so universal that it is used by all generations. It is so possible that somewhere someone from the first generation will definitely mention it to the coming generation as an example of a life lesson. Also, there are some experiences that are so common in every human life that we do need that special advice& wisdom from someone who has already walked that path of life.

·         Well, that’s pretty much of what proverbs are. Let’s look at some of the best-known proverbs.
  •          Honesty is the best policy
  •          It never rains but it pours
  •          Birds of a feather flock together
  •          East or West, home is the best
  •          Bad news travels fast
  •          Charity begins at home
  •          The early bird catches the worm
  •          Half a loaf is better than no bread
  •      Be cruel to be kind
  •      Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and you weep alone
  •      The pen is mightier than the sword

Proverb- “Bad news travels fast” I Meaning I Example I Sentence Example

Proverb- “Bad news travels fast” Meaning: The meaning of the proverb ‘ Bad news travels fast’ is just the same as it soun...